Sunday, August 12, 2007

My Thoughts: On All of the Baity vs. Unbaity Stuff

Ok, I'm talking the middle ground here and saying this is suppose to be a simulation of a real Oscar season. You're going to have films (or baits in this case) that are going to be baity and (like Letters From Iwa Jima) and some films (or baits) that are less baity (like The Departed). Let's face it, it we were all doing Biopics and Drama's all the time it would be a really boring contest. We wouldn't be able to have a lot of the things that have revolutionized the contest like the Golden Globes (it would be boring without a comedy category) or the SAG's (once again, not much variety if you only have Biopics or Dramas) and if it were just plain baity stories, we wouldn't have much stuff to talk about on the blogs. Sure we could predict stuff, but it would be kind of boring to say "Ok which is the better bait The Biopic of Michael Jordan or the Paul Haggis Ensemble Drama?"

So basically what I'm trying to say is that I think every month we get pretty close to what the feel of an Oscar season is like and thats why we have more and more authors each month, the original authors have stayed, and why we have our own little community.

Also, to all those who have been pointing out grammatical errors, I would say be as harsh as you want with the veteran authors, but for the ones who maybe don't speak English that well, just say nicely, "You may want to work on your grammer issues, and some of us can help," that way we're not turning away anyone by saying their not good enough.

Done with my semi-rant now, discuss the baits, this article in the comments section. Also, I should have reviews soon!


Michael said...

what I want to know is why I never get any comments on my articles! there are like a ton on the other posts about this subject, but none about mine, WHY!

just joking around, but I wonder why?

Bryce said...

lol well I said my 2 cents on both Pat and James sites, but basically I feel the argument is useless because at the end of the month a baity bait wins BOTM and it is rare for a non baity bait to win, so I really don't see why the pro-baity baiters are arguing against the non baity bait authors.

Bryce said...

lol well to be fair this was discussed to death on the other two sites first, so your a little late lol But I always try and leave all the bloggers at least one comment

Brian Erickson said...

I agree with Michael. Find a medium, people!

Ryne said...

Well the contest is called "Bait an Oscar" for a reason but that doesn't mean a NB-bait can't be great either.

zgamer said...

Yes it's called Bait an Oscar, but that doesn't mean it should be limited to just OScar safe stories. If you bait any story the right way, it will win an Oscar. So I guess it shouldn't matter if it's a Paul Haggis Ensemble or a sci-fi epic. If you write and bait it well, it should win an Oscar. Simple as that.

Harry said...

In my opinion, all of this baity vs. unbaity stuff discussion is useless and makes no sense. It seems as if people want to bring conflicts were there aren't.

Brian Erickson said...

Exactly, Harry. Baity vs. non-baity is a non-issue. If your bait is good, it should be rewarded. End of story.

Anonymous said...

I only got one problem with this article and it's trivial. But I think The Departed was a very baity film. It's not a surprise when a crime thriller (especially one of this caliber) is nominated. The cast and crew make it baity and it's got more character developement than action so maybe the genre is "unbaity" but the film certainly was not.