Thursday, August 2, 2007

My Thoughts: Grey Gardens!

OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! I really hope that Alex is still going to release this bait, because the soundtrack is soo fantastic! I'm a big musical person and the soundtrack is really great and gives me chills and has extremely baity plot and performances. Alex, if you need any help I am totally here for you and if you aren't doing the project anymore please let me know because I'll do anything I can to get it to be released. So excited and you have to listen to the following songs from the soundtrack (these are my favorites)...

1. Revolutionary Costume For Today- Absolutely great, you can listen to it for free at the official site for the Broadway show.
2. Peas in a Pod- The lyrics really sell this one and it just has a homely kind of feel to me.
3. Grey Gardens- Something about it is so simple it's moving.
4. Will You?- The most emotional and heartfelt song in the show and it gives me chills just thinking about it.
5. Hominy Grits- Just a fun song.
6. Tomorrow's Woman (The Off-Broadway Album)- One of my favorite songs on the cd, disappointed it didn't make it to the Broadway show.

It is filled with emotion and I hope that it will be released. Check out the album, it is really really good.

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