Saturday, August 25, 2007

Alternate Oscars: March '07 Winners!

So here are the winners you think should have won the Oscars...

Best Picture
Wicked (Original Winner: La Ventana)

Best Director
Darren Aronoflsky, Flashes (Original Winner: David Lynch, Sweet Black and Blue)

Best Actor
Benicio del Toro, La Ventana (Original Winner: Christian Clemenson, Flowers for Algernon)

Best Actress
Idina Menzel, Wicked (Original Winner: Cate Blanchett, To Live With Hope)

Best Supporting Actor
Mark Wahlberg, The Moon and the Rain (Original Winner: Clint Eastwood, The Futility of Law)

Best Supporting Actress
Kristen Chenoweth, Wicked (Original Winner: Kristen Chenoweth, Wicked)

Best Original Screenplay
Candidacy (Original Winner: DragonTown)

Best Adapted Screenplay
Wicked (Original Winner: Wicked)

Alrighty, next up February '07...


Bryce said...

i can't believe DragonTown lost. It's my favorite Somerton Bait.

Alex said...

I'm just curious, why did you go out of order? I figured you would just do the months in order.

zgamer said...

I don't agree with most of the new predictions (there's no way Wicked was better than La Ventana or Flashes better than Sweet Black and Blue or Candidacy better than Dragontown), but I guess this is a public vote so it's somewhat fair.

Michael said...

I went out of order just because these are some of the months I was curious in seeing how the public thought they were.

Alex said...

are you going to go back and do October, November, and December of 2006? I'd be really interested to see the outcome of those months. I thought they were some of the most competative months we've had.

Michael said...

yep, sure will