Wednesday, July 11, 2007

My View: The Reviews A-D

After Earth 3- Not as good as the others. Interesting, but dissappointing. C+

Audrey's Girls- Umm, not as good as I thought it would be a lot better. B-

The Banality of Evil- Really great. I can easily see this getting a Best Picture nomination. A-

Batman- Really fantastic. I see this being a Batman film in the future and it definately had the Batman feel. A

The Bluxomi Sisters- Confusing and I don't think Jennifer Tilly is a leading actress in the film. D

Border Man- Kate Burton is a fantastic casting choice, but I don't think it is really all that great. B-

Can't Stop the Press- Don't like the title because it's misleading. I thought this was going to be a funny paparazzi comedy and it wasn't. Not very good, too short and too serious C-

Conquistador- Loved it! I can see myself loving this movie and it being extremely sucessful. A

Crimes Against A City- Howard seems miscast. Not very good. D+

Dark Ages- I couldn't get into it. Jackson seemed out of place and just not my cup of tea. D+

Dear, Mr. President- I loved the letter part, but I still wanted more of a story. Still, Sarandon is fantastic casting and I can see it being a film. B+

Divine Poker- Interesting idea and I love the Kathy Griffin casting! It will probably be better in memory, but actually reading it it isn't that great if you know what I mean. Like movies that are great in memory are usually extremely quoteable. B

Dr. Death- I can't see O'Toole not getting a nomination for his role in the bait if not the Oscar. It is a great baity film and role and is ok, but I can see it losing steam fast. B

Dwight-Wuthering Heights- I can see this a movie that would be hated by critics. Not very good and too long. C-

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Ryne said...
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