Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I!'s 100 Posts, 100 Baits: The List 90-81

(The titles show as the narrator speaks)

Narrator: Back in April of 2006 a contest was born. Created by Johnny Alba, no one thought it would ever reach the popularity it has reached today. Mimicking a real Oscar season, the contest originated with a miniscule amount of creativity awards, no Big 8 awards and a little forum activity. Over the next few months, as many authors make their debut in the contest, the discussion would grow and the baits would evolve.

After 18 months of the contest, 845 baits have been submitted. One day author Michael thought it was about time to name the best. He contacted a few authors and asked if they thought it would be a good idea to do an official Top 100 Baits of All-Time. They all loved it. So they came up with a list of 150 baits that were eligible to be in the Top 100. So now we’ve crunched the numbers and come up with a list that we think is the best it can be. So be ready, because this is the next phase of our 100 Posts, 100 Baits Countdown.

(Sweeping Instrumental Score)

Now here is your guide through tonight’s selection, Zgamer!

(Zgamer walks into view in the middle of a great hall filled with written baits in frames. It is a very nice sight!)

Zgamer: (To camera) Hello, it’s nice to see you all here at the blog. For those unfamiliar with me, I go by the penname Zgamer. I’ve been on this site since July of 2006 and have been a fervent author and admirer of its progression. While many refer to me as the “King of Video Game Baits”, I prefer to see myself as a teen with a dream of expressing himself artistically on the cinematic medium. Enough about me though.

(Begins to walk towards the camera) It’s amazing what wonders the imagination can come up with. Right now I bet you’re using it to imagine this great hall of baiting I’m in, but I also mean that in a serious way. Baiting has evolved over these many months from a simple gimmick to occupy our time for the Oscar season into a semi-art form. Many original stories have been written, many quality actors have been casted and people all across the world have been able to share their ideas. Whether from Mexico, Canada, Columbia or the United States, dozens of talented Oscar crazed individuals have shown they have what it takes to be a future Oscar winner. Now it is our time to acknowledge these talented individuals through the votes submitted by the respected authors of the baiting community. Last night we showed you the voted choices for the first ten baits on our list. From Pat’s riveting Tavistock Palace to Brian’s Balton Productions, we listed the #100 to #91 baits of all time. Well, we can only go up from here. So let’s move on to baits #90 to #81.

I couldn’t think of a better way to start this segment than with a bait like this. Written back in August 2006, this bait came out of nowhere to impress audiences with its simple yet well thought story. Aided by great cast and a competent director, this bait lived on past its low press coverage. So, we start the night off with Steven’s Marilyn.

Michael: If Naomi Watts were to star in this movie, there is no doubt that she would win Best Actress at the Oscars. One of the best casting choices in Bait an Oscar history.

Zgamer: Despite being a critical darling, Marilyn had very little buzz going for it. However, no matter who you asked, everyone agreed that what really gave this bait power was the casting of Naomi Watts as the beautiful blonde Marilyn Monroe. A raved performance by all, she soon became a frontrunner for the lead actress award.

Daniel: A great Best Actress vehicle that is bound to be made in the next couple years. Great casting.

Zgamer: Though Watts nabbed a Golden Globe for her performance, she lost the Oscar to competitor Natalie Portman. However, the bait didn’t go unrecognized there, as it won an award for best casting choice for this role.

Title Card: The #90 bait is…


Zgamer: The next bait on this list comes from a veteran author everyone should be familiar with. Ever since his debut back at the contest’s beginning, Brian made his mark on the contest every month. With innovative ideas and great writing, he has emerged as one of the contest’s best. And this bait shows why he’s still a powerhouse to this day. So get ready to experience the Glitz.

Michael: I LOVED IT! If you remember my excitement for this bait when it was released I couldn't have praised it more. The reason was because I was completely surprised, now it isn't as amazing, but it still one of the best baits of 2007.

Zgamer: Released back in June of 2007, Glitz opened to good though not stellar reviews. Despite the criticisms, many praised its originality and quirkiness.

Daniel: Although virtually everyone disagreed with me, Jim Carrey should have won Best Actor for this project. I absolutely loved this bait. It was one of the biggest love it or hate it baits ever and for that reason it should remain a classic. But that is not the only reason. You also have to take into account the originality, hilarity, perfect casting, and characters. Even with all of those reasons, I'm still only listing half of this bait's great qualities.

Zgamer: The Golden Globes were favorable to Glitz, earning it an award for its screenplay. While Oscars were not as favorable, passing Glitz for every award, Glitz made its impact with 8 nods and a #7 placing for the month. Thus making it a good bait by our records.

Title Card: The #89 bait is…


Zgamer: This next entry is one of those baits that get better and better with each month. Released back in September of 2006, this was one of Connor Campbell’s earliest successes and a critical darling that ensured his later success in the contest. So sit back and enjoy the life of Fred & Ethel.

Daniel: One of my all time favorite baits. The trailer that was posted on the forums for this bait is my favorite trailer ever made for a bait. This shocked everyone when it only received an honorable mention rather than a Top 10 spot or even the Bait of the Month. It has been a year since I read it and it still is in my head.

Zgamer: Fred & Ethel opened to great critical praise. Though it had little buzz in the forum, people enjoyed the bait for its stellar cast and likable topic.

Michael: Another great bait and came out right as I was about to release a bait about Lucy starring Messing. While it was long for the time, it is still full of fantastic casting and story.

Zgamer: While it earned plenty of precursor love for star Debra Messing playing Lucille Ball, it only received two nods and an honorable mention at the Oscars. However, it did help Connor win his best author award that month and has had a lasting impact for being one of the contest’s biggest snubs.

Title Card: The #88 bait is…


Zgamer: Ever had one of those little baits that could? Well, this is one of those baits. Released back in June of 2007, Connor once again pushed his talents to bring a nice quirky little Guest bait. Hoped you all remember to study for this Standardized Test.

Michael: I felt the Guest cast members could have been shuffled around a bit, but I still enjoyed it and I think Lynch should have gotten a Supporting Actress nomination.

Zgamer: The initial release wasn’t a critical favorite, but it gained a good following among certain authors. Many praised its originality, nice cast and the fact it would really feel like a Christopher Guest movie.

Daniel: A great Christopher Guest project.

Zgamer: It didn’t receive a huge favoring at the Oscars, but it did manage to win the Best Original Bait award. It goes to show a bait doesn’t absolutely need an Oscar to be memorable (though that does help).

Title Card: The #87 bait is…


Zgamer: Few baits captured the Kaufman style so early into the contest like this one. Tom Houseman no longer is part of the writing process, but he made a splash with this very original and very humorous story. You won’t get Brian Damage reading this.

Daniel: This is an extremely original story. This was one of Tom Houseman's last baits, sadly. This would for sure win Tim Robbins another Oscar and this remains, to me, one of the smartest and most original baits ever.

Zgamer: Released back in July of 2006, Brain Damage opened to great critical success. Most of the praise went to the bait’s original plot, as well as its nice cast.

Michael: I loved it. I just re-read it and it felt very original and something that Kaufman would do. Great casting, save for Carter, but still it is a great bait.

Zgamer: While Brain Damage failed to garner any Oscar wins, it did get recognition for being a great support bait for Tom’s The Great Fitzgerald, the month’s big winner. A very good and underrated bait.

Title Card: The #86 bait is…


Zgamer: If you had the ability to stop the assassination of several key congressmen, how would you do it? That’s the case for the main character of our next bait. Written by Alex back in November of 2006, The Justices stood out among the pack that month.

Michael: I think this has to be one of the most underrated baits of all time. I absolutely love it in every way and I think this would be a fantastic movie if it ever came out.

Zgamer: The Justices opened to mostly critical praise, with comments on its writing and intriguing plot. It held up through much of the month, facing tough competition from baits like Silence, The Wall and others.

Daniel: The best thriller to hit Bait an Oscar. Alex created a very real environment in this bait and that makes the story even more believable. This pulled a surprise second place in November. Although some would argue that the cast is bloated, I can easily see all of these actors coming together for a film this strong.

Zgamer: Though it won no love during precursors or Oscars, it did snag the #2 spot over many acclaimed baits. It was one of the biggest surprises in Bait an Oscar history, but it was also very well earned.

Title Card: Our #85 bait is…


Zgamer: This next bait goes way back to the contest’s roots. Written by Corey in June of 2006, this little biopic made quite a show with its simple storytelling and intriguing topic. So let’s be ready to experience The Wilder Side of Life.

Daniel: This was my favorite bait of June 2006. This would win a Best Actor statue as a real film. This is one of the best biopics ever to hit the site and should remain in Bait an Oscar history as one of the first great ones.

Zgamer: Wilder Side opened to a good reception, making many Top 10 lists. Though not a huge hit, Wilder Side did garner a lot of support from many authors who would go on to become prominent figures in the contest.

Michael: A great biopic of one of the greatest directors ever to live

Zgamer: While it only garnered three Oscar nods and no wins, Wilder Side did score enough to make the #4 spot of the month. That’s saying quite a lot when it was up against competition like Contemporary Comedy and the original MLK.

Title Card: The #84 Bait is…


Zgamer: Now this next bait holds a special place in my heart. If I had to say I liked one particular group of baits in the contest, I would say the Fresh Heir series was the best hands down. Though considered the “weakest” of the series, this one made as much of an impact as its predecessor and successor. This is Fresh Heir Vol. II.

Michael: Not as strong as the other two, but still a great bridge in between the First and Third parts. I can see everyone in the world falling in love with it.

Zgamer: Released in July of 2006, Fresh Heir followed the first entry well with rave reviews. Like LOTR, Vol. II continued the success of the first while building a huge anticipation for the last entry. Many praises were given to its competent director choice, original story and stellar cast.

Daniel: This series is, without a doubt, the best series ever in Bait an Oscar history. While some second films in a trilogy have faults and do not stay to the plot well, this proves that wrong. A brilliant piece that is very deserving of making the Top 100.

Zgamer: Though it only garnered a couple Oscar nods, it placed #8 for the month and helped progress the success of the series in August with Vol. III. Which is understandable, given July of 2006 was one of the most competitive months of the whole contest.

Title Card: The #83 bait is…


Zgamer: We are getting closer to the end of our section here, but we are not running out of good baits. Released in June of 2007, this next bait was Patrick D.’s follow-up to his great debut with Rivalry At 6 P.M. A very original and unique story overall, with enough quality to make it a winner in the eyes of many. This is The 27th Victim.

Daniel: A great ensemble piece. All of the characters in this bait are highly original and the casting of the characters makes them even more believable and original.

Zgamer: While not the critical darling Rivalry was, 27th Victim did get a good reception during its release. Most of its praise went to its originality and quality writing.

Michael: My 2nd favorite bait by Patrick. One of my favorite baits of all time, and one of the best casts ever.

Zgamer: Nabbing a surprise win at the Golden Globes for director, 27th Victim got passed over its three Oscar nods, being beat by baits like Lucky Clover and Gray Daze. However, it still has its supporters, making it live on pass the awards.

Title Card: The #82 bait is…


Zgamer: We have now reached the end of our list for the night. The next section of the ceremony will be back in Michael’s hands, with my input back to the comments in between. However, I couldn’t think of a better bait to end the night off on. This was a very unique bait that helped give Josh P.’s writing career the boost it needed to help him write future successes like The Man Who Invented Rock Hudson. So sit back, relax and feel the vibes of that wonderful Gray Daze.

Michael: A very solid bait. Deserving of Topher Grace's Oscar as well as Robert Redford's. One of the best stories ever.

Zgamer: Ever since its introduction at the Festival, Gray Daze was one of the most acclaimed baits of June 2007. As it butted heads with frontrunner Lucky Clover, Gray Daze earned a lot of praise for its cast (particularly Topher Grace), its unique story and its director.

Daniel: This bait packed a punch. The casting of Topher Grace is spot on and is proof that a non-baity actor can win an Oscar. A milestone in Bait an Oscar history for that very reason.

Zgamer: Gray Daze swept many awards in June, earning Topher Grace every precursor acting award and garnering attention for Robert Redford. When Oscar time came around, it was a no-brainer that Gray Daze would easily walk away with both those awards. It also pulled off many nominations and wins for its original character and online campaign. A true classic.

Title Card: The #81 bait is…


Zgamer: Thank you for joining us tonight. Please tune in again soon when we announce the #80-#71 baits of all time. And while you wait, here’s a recap of tonight’s winners. Thank you and good night.

#90 Marilyn
#89 Glitz
#88 Fred & Ethel
#87 Standardized Test
#86 Brain Damage
#85 The Justices
#84 The Wilder Side of Life
#83 Fresh Heir Vol. II
#82 The 27th Victim
#81 Gray Daze


Bryce said...

Great ceremony! Wow I didn't expect Gray Daze to be so low. It was one of my favorites of the year

Harry said...

While the ceremony was enjoyable as always, I don’t agree with most of the rankings of this second part of the ceremony. In my opinion, the baits of the first part should have been higher than those of the second part (because I wasn’t a fan of many baits of the second part).

zgamer said...

Well Harry, this is based on the votes everyone submitted. So it's not our decision what baits get what position since its all what you chose. (On a side note, I didn't like some of those baits either but I respect everyone's votes). I'm sure you'll like the later stuff though. Just remember, this is all based on your votes, so you may not always agree but that's the public opinion.