Monday, September 3, 2007

Festival Nomination Predix

Well, the festival nods should be up within the week. As proven with last month's winner, a festival win does great things to a bait's buzz. So let's analyze the competition that has submitted baits. (keep in mind, I (Bryce) have not read any of these baits, and these thoughts are based on early reviews and just shots in the dark)

"Bandito Express"- The bait of the year winner got a great review from D.W., although, as D.W. states "The only question is, will the voters go for a bloody western?". The festival has proven in the past not to hold as much judgment against unbaity projects as the oscars do (i.e. Batman:Scars Of Tomorrow, was nominated for the top prize at the festival, but was snubbed for a best picture oscar). The contest hasn't had many westerns (I think Bloody Trail and Recoil are the only ones, but correct me if I'm wrong) but that should only gain more buzz for the bait, as it could feel like a breathe of fresh air for the voters.

"Tapestry"- Didn't get a glowing review on Pat's blog, but Musicals have a past at doing relatively good (Rehab!, Behind the Show). Pat also reveals "This bait does something that no other musical bait has done before. Ian integrates the songs into the actual synopsis, putting them in the places where they would be found in the film's story. This new method allows for greater understandability and emotional impact". Although he goes on to say it didn't work for him, could the festival voters actually favor the new unique writing style?

"Grosse Pointe"- Based upon the short lived Tv show, past baits based on Tv Shows (Sex in the City) have proven to not do well. Pat goes on to reveal " By the end of the synopsis, you say, "This should be a TV show" and then you realize that it was. This fact makes the bait less believable as a film, which is the same problem that other TV translations face in the contest and in the actual world." But overall Pat gives the bait a good review, mostly praising it's cast. Could the fantastic casting equal it into a golden igloo nod?

"To Dwell In Evil"- While the bait did get a great review from Pat, religious subjects have proven not to be oscar friendly in the past (Passion of the Christ). Although, this is the first biblical bait in the contest, and voters could end up being a lot more open minded than the real life oscar voters. Tony, himself, also has a great deal of buzz coming off the success of The Winter Sun. The fact that he has been snubbed more times than any author could persuade the voters to vote his way.

"The Second Coming" Another religious bait, although this one seems more down to earth. The cast also looks amazing, using stars that haven't been used much like Matt Damon and Adrian Brody, and directed by Ridley Scott. I think in the long run people will compare it to To Dwell In Evil (which is also directed by Ridley Scott) and in the end only one will possibly get a golden igloo nod.

"Extradition"- Once again Pat utilizes a cast and crew that aren't used a lot in the contest. It stars Mark Whalberg, Mark Ruffalo, Uma Thurman, and Harrison Ford, with Edward Zwick as the director. The story sounds very baity, and Pat is always known to bring his A game to his baits.

"The Red Menace" This is one of James last bait, so just that fact could persuade voters. Although women leading baits have shown not to do as well in the bp category as it does in the best actress category.

"Down in Heaven"- The story is in a "duel" format as he puts it, focusing on a drug addict, and a Afghan boy's mission for martyrdom. The story could end up to complicated for voters, or it could end up as a masterpiece.

"The King of The Undead"- Didn't get great reviews in the Tournament, and animation baits haven't been nominated for the golden igloo in the past. But zGamer could easily turn the bait around into another one if his hits.

"Cherry Blossom"- D.W didn't get much love in August, but the fact that he has stated this is a more personal bait make me excited. Personal baits have proven to be much more interesting, and successful in the past (Silence).

"Shamus & Shamus 2" although I doubt Shamus 2 has any chance (Sequels have proven not to be nominated in the past) but Shamus (1) got some great reviews in the tournament. Could the new version equal a golden igloo?

They Shoot Horses, Dont They ?" Tyler wasn't able to get this in for the august competition, but could the new version from an extra month of working on the bait make it a smash hit?

Other baits to watch for (sorry but I couldn't gather much more info on them (other than the obvious))
The Blue Max
Scout's Honor
Project Sin
Forged By Fire
Isaac's Storm
Knights of the Old Republic

My final prediction that will be up for the Golden Igloo are (remember, this is basically a shot in the dark, I wouldn't put money on any of these):

- The Second Coming
- Bandito Express
- Cherry Blossum
- The Red Menace

Good luck to everyone, and remember this is based on nothing, and I haven't read any baits so anything could happen. Good Luck!


Michael said...

Nice article, I really like the new layout (even though I chose it)

Bryce said...

thanks for the comment

Bryce said...

looks like I got 3 out of 4 correct