Saturday, September 29, 2007

I!'s 100 Posts, 100 Baits: The List #60-51

Narrator: After many days of delay, here is the next section of the Top 100. We are ready now, more than ever, to continue crowning the best baits ever written. And now, here’s our host Zgamer.

Zgamer: (Walks to the camera) Sorry the delay has been so long. There’s been some issues and Michael is currently unavailable to assist with the ceremony. So I will be running the next few segments. It will take more work, but I am determined to get as much as I can done. And don’t worry, our reliable commenter Daniel will still be here to give his great views on the baits.

Now, we are moving on to our goal of crowning the Top baits of all time. Right now, we are at #60. I feel this is a great bait to start off this long delayed section of the list. Probably it’s greatest success is actually doing a David Lynch film the right way. Released back in March of 2007, this was a great bait for so many reasons. So let’s take a look into the glorious Sweet Black and Blue.

Narrator: The bait opened to a mostly favorable reviews and praise. While some were put off by the Lynch style (as many people usually are), everyone else praised it for its originality, quality writing and the fact that it really felt like a Lynch movie.

Daniel: I've reread this many, many times. It just gets better with each read. This is the ultimate David Lynch project and D.W. did such a great job by staying in Lynch's vein at all times.

Narrator: Obviously, the bait’s reception at the precursors was ok, scoring some good nominations for its stars and director. It fared much better at the Oscars though. Though it didn’t receive a huge amount of nods, it walked away with the director award for David Lynch and #6 of the month. One of my favorite baits of that month and a great bait on D.W.’s resume.

Title Card: The #60 bait is…


Zgamer: This next bait is one of the early ones from a rising author on the site. Released back in November of 2006, a little known author named Sergio soon made a name for himself with this bait with his great poster design and interesting writing. This is the Record Man.

Narrator: Record Man opened to a mixed reception. Though not praised throughout the site, it had a good cult following of authors pushing it. Most of them praised its uniqueness, poster and lead star Will Ferrell, though many complained on some of the baits grammar flaws.

Daniel: The synopsis for this is great. I loved the casting and the crew, especially Burton, the first time I read it. This was one of Sergio's first great baits and it truly deserves a position in the Top 100.

Narrator: Record Man has a favorable reception at the GG’s, earning best actor awards for Will Ferrell in both. It’s Oscar reception wasn’t great, but it did rank #11 in the month and earn Sergio the reception he needed to write future successes like Lucky Clover.

Title Card: The #59 bait is…


Zgamer: This next bait goes back to June of 2006. As the contest began to be able to stand on its own two feet, a rising author named Brian released two baits that would solidify his status as one of the site’s best authors. One was Contemporary Comedy, which would earn him the BOTM award. The other was this foreboding work. With director M. Night Shyamalan handling the adaptation of this successful book. This is The Devil In The White City.

Narrator: The Devil in the White City opened to a mixed but mostly good reception. Though Contemporary Comedy stole most of its thunder, it still rode on the success Brian had that month. Most considered it the best adapted screenplay frontrunner and it garnered many other favorable comments for its cast and story.

Daniel: I am ecsatic to see that this made the list. It is one of my all time favorites. Although I loved "Contemporary Comedy", this should have been the winner of June but I don't think that comment will offend Brian (AZ) seeing as he wrote both of those baits.

Narrator: Overshadowed by Contemporary Comedy, The Devil in the White City only garnered a few nods in technical categories and an honorable mention that month. However, the bait continues to have a strong cult following even after a year since its release.

Title Card: The #58 bait is…


Zgamer: Our next inductee to the list is kind of an oddball in terms of the types of baits we get. It’s not a drama, it’s not a comedy and it’s not a biopic. Heck, it isn’t even a horror story. It’s an anime. However, it is by far one of the best animated stories we’ve ever had. So here’s to James Somerton’s March 2007 hit Dragontown.

Narrator: After many delays and months of online campaigning, Dragontown opened in March to very favorable reviews. Though not considered a serious Oscar contender, it received a whole lot of praise for its originality, great writing and its accuracy in feeling like a real Japanese Anime movie.

Daniel: This is one of James Somerton's best baits. The concept and execution of the main idea in this bait was done beautifully.

Narrator: It’s precursor run was short, but quite successful, earning a screenplay win at the GG’s. The Oscars proved to be even more successful. It didn’t make the top 20 of the month (only honorable mention), but it did earn well deserved Oscars for James unique Online Campaign and Original Screenplay. This will stand as an achievement in site’s rising popularity in foreign and animated films.

Title Card: The #57 bait is…


Zgamer: Where would the Oscars be without musicals? Well, we certainly didn’t want to find out, because our next bait helped pioneer that genre in the contest. An adaptation of the 2006 Tony Award winning Musical, Pat topped off one of his strongest months with this enjoyable bait. Here’s our tribute to Jersey Boys.

Narrator: Jersey Boys opened to a strong reception that month. While Pat had three other baits that month in the competition, this was probably his strongest contender. Though not praised everywhere, it made many Top 10 and predictions list for its ideal cast, crew and writing style.

Daniel: This bait holds the title of one of the largest Best Actor upsets in history. This was a very great bait and one of Pat's very best.

Narrator: Come Oscar time, Jersey Boys surprised everyone with its receptions. Like Daniel said, it earned a well deserved though debated win for lead star John Lloyd Young. It also placed #2 in the month and helped Pat win Best Author that month. This will go down as one of the site’s first great musicals.

Title Card: The #56 bait is…


Zgamer: Now we head to the really sticky stuff. This is by far considered one of the site’s most controversial baits of all time, due to its topic and its rather unflattering descriptions in its press section. However, it strengths must have overshadowed its flaws, as this bait is now on our list. But we all know where I stand on this, so let’s have the narrator describe Bruised Boys for us.

Narrator: As said, Bruised Boys opened to an incredibly mixed reception back in August of 2006. Some praised its supporting cast and interesting style while many were enraged by the bait’s description of its graphic homosexual intercourse scene. Many have said to changed their minds on this though, looking at the baits good qualities.

Daniel: This is still one of the most controversial baits of all time. If you haven't read it, you are missing out. Although it was hated by many when it was first released, it has become a classic since.

Narrator: Due to the controversy, its Oscar reception was hurt a bit. It did garner several key nods though, including best original screenplay, and placed #9 in the month. It goes down in history just because it causes debates to this day.

Title Card: The #55 bait is…


Zgamer: This next bait was a bit of a one hit wonder. Written by Jason back in November of 2006, this bait surprised everyone with its unique style and quality writing. So here’s our tribute to The Rainbow Album.

Narrator: The Rainbow Album opened to a good amount of praise. Though most of the month's thunder was being given to James Somerton's baits and Freakshow, it earned a good amount of acclaim for its cast, crew and interesting topic.

Daniel: This is one of the best Best Actor vehicles ever. This would pull a Helen Mirren and win EVERY SINGLE Best Actor award if it were a real movie. This has become one of my favorite baits as I reread it and reread it.

Narrator: The Rainbow Album kind of took some by surprise with its reception. Scoring plenty of nods in precursor events, the bait eventually hit the mark with its Oscar reception. Along with placing #5 in the month, it garnered many nominations and a win for lead star Patrick Wilson. A great Foreman and acting vehicle.

Title Card: The #54 bait is…


Zgamer: This next bait is one of Daniel’s best biopics. Written back in August of 2006, this told the grand tale of children entertainment and cartoon pioneer Walt Disney. So let’s all take a ride on the Steamboat Disney.

Narrator: Steamboat Disney helped push one of Daniel’s strongest months, with praise being given everywhere by the authors. Most of them gave their remarks for its ideal crew, great writing, likeable topic and its brilliant casting of David Strathairn as the man himself.

Daniel: My casting of David Strathairn is tied for my favorite casting choice that I've done, tied with Al Pacino in "A New Agenda".

Narrator: After a strong showing at the GG’s, the Oscars shocked everyone by not acknowledging Strathairn with a nod, considered one of the biggest snubs of all time. Not to say it completely lucked out though, as it placed #6 in the month and garnered many other nominations for director Clooney and technical awards. One of the best casting jobs in a biopics in the contest.

Title Card: The #53 bait is…


Zgamer: Wait a minute, didn’t we already have this bait on our list? Nope, that was the adaptation of the book. This is Al’s superb adaptation of the Tony Award winning musical. With great writing, a stellar cast and the words “box-office and award juggernaut” written all over it, this was one of March 2007’s biggest hits. Who says it doesn’t pay to be Wicked.

Narrator: Wicked opened to a strong reception from the get-go. Though debates continue on whether this or the previous version is better, many praised this for being the more enjoyable of the two. It also garnered the usual praise for its cast and writing. The only thing people complained about was its director choice.

Daniel: Although I prefer the first edition of "Wicked", this was also a great bait. I loved how it didn't give away the ending but still gave a great synopsis.

Narrator: Wicked turned out to be one of the biggest surprise awards darlings of the month. Earning many nods in the precursors (including a win for Kristen Chenoweth at the SAG’s), it came out strong in the Oscars. With many nominations and a #2 ranking, it turned out to be one of the month’s biggest winners, earning awards for its awards section, box-office potential, adapted screenplay and Chenoweth’s supporting role.

Title Card: The #52 bait is…


Zgamer: We’ve now hit the last bait of our section. We’ve seen many types of genres here this day. From animated wonders to musical hits to classy biopics, we’ve experienced quite a few baits. However, we’ve yet to see a real showing from the female vehicles. Well here it is. Written by Douglass Reese back in December 2006, this is one of his greatest baits. So come and smell the Wildflower.

Narrator: Wildflower opened to stellar reviews when it released. Though some complained about minor details, everyone praised its great cast, crew, storylines and its topic. One of Douglass Reese’s biggest critical successes.

Daniel: This idea is very original even though it is somewhat based on an actual event. I can see the film in my mind as going back in forth between the two women and it working very effectively. It is extremely well written and the "date" idea in the synopsis worked, surprisingly enough.

Narrator: Wildflower proved successful at the GG’s, winning a screenplay award and earning many nods. At the Oscars, it proved more successful. Earning a #4 spot in the month, it also won for its poster and Christina Ricci’s lead performance. A classic on many levels.

Title Card: The #51 bait is…


Zgamer: So concludes this portion of our list. We will be back as soon as we can for the next section of the bait. Until then, enjoy your weekend and enjoy this recap.

60. Sweet Black and Blue
59. Record Man
58. The Devil in the White City
57. Dragontown
56. Jersey Boys
55. Bruised Boys
54. The Rainbow Album
53. Steamboat Disney
52. Wicked (March ’07)
51. Wildflower


Bryce said...

Dragontown and Record Man should have been in the top 50 at least :(

Brian Erickson said...

Wow, thanks a ton for #58. Oh, and just a tiny thing: the title is Devil in the White City, not The Devil in the White City (though that is the title of the book, so I would understand completely why you would think that). I hope I'm not sounding petty, but it's just a little mistake that is essentially meaningless, but I would appreciate it if you changed it. However, if this is at all inconvenient for you, please don't bother.

Great selections!

Sergio Requejo said...

Wow #59! thanks. It's great to see Record man in the list.
You are doing a great work with the top 100 list.
Thanks Bryce!