Friday, June 22, 2007

The Golden Globe Winners

The Golden Globe Ceremony is up. Here are the winners of the June GG's.

Best Picture Drama-

Best Actor Drama-
Topher Grace for Gray Daze

Best Actress Drama-
Glenn Close for The Last Page

Best Picture Comedy/Musical-
Mom Is 80

Best Actor Comedy/Musical-
Kevin Spacey for Behind the show

Best Actress Comedy/Musical-
Bea Arthur for Mom Is 80

Best Supporting Actor-
Christopher Plummer for Oil

Best Supporting Actress-
Julliette Lewis for Clockwork

Best Director-
James Mangold for The 27th Victim

Best Screenplay-
Charlie Kaufman for Glitz

Feel free to discuss the results here or at the Bait An Oscar forum back at the site.


Ryne said...

I saw kinda surprised to see Mom is 80 win best picture, but other than that, it went like I thought.

Brian Erickson said...

I was shocked that Glitz won Best Screenplay. I was expecting that nothing, and if I had to guess, I would have said Renee Zellweger.

Pretty good choices, but I just don't get why Juliette Lewis is the frontrunner for Clockwork. Same with Christopher Plummer and, to a lesser extent, Topher Grace. But I'm glad that Glenn Close is most likely to win.

Anonymous said...

I'm amazed at the support for Topher Grace. Supporting actor is kind of a mess so I can see why Christopher Plummer is getting all the buzz but I'm sure there's a better candidate. I voted for Juliette Lewis for the SAG mainly because my pick for Supporting Actress wasn't nominated. She shouldn't be the frontrunner but of the nominated actresses I think she was the best.