Sunday, June 3, 2007


The bait festival is underway and that brings up the topic, what baits are you really looking forward too. Here are just a few of mine and a couple that I am wondering what happened too.

Judy Lives- What happened to this bait? It's been in the works for a while, but I haven't heard anything about it since March.

Dark Night of the Soul- It's in the festival so I'll be able to read it, and Tony is so consistent with his work.

Captain Fantastic- I think Elton John is amazing and Pat is another consistent author, should be fantastic.

Gray Daze- I have to say that I am really only anticipating this bait because of the poster (which is FANTASTIC) and it's in the festival so I'll be able to read it.

After Earth: The Dark Side of the Sun- I absolutely love this trilogy, I still think the 1st is the best, but I cannot wait for the next installment. I really think they would make great movies and I just can't express my love for these baits.

Night- The book was fantastic and I was starting to develop into a bait, but I think Connor will capture it better seeing the book is a combination of The Breadwinner and The Devil's Arithmetic. This has the potential to win Best Picture (not trying to overhype) if the director choice and cast are perfect (which thats not too hard) I think this could be once of the best baits of all time. (Connor don't take this the wrong way and let it get in the way of writing the bait)

Legend of Zelda: The End of Forever- I thought the first was wrongfully hated and I think the next could be really good.

Batman- Not the most baity subject, but I think that Tony will make it fantastic, and if he doesn't win for Dominion, I think he'll probably at least get Best Author for this.

What baits are you guys anticipating?Also, if you are interested in being a co-writer please create an account and leave you email as an email, and I'll invite you. So far Zgamer has expressed interest so we may post a weekly podcast again (here of course)!

1 comment:

Brian Erickson said...

It's "Judy Live!" not "Judy Lives". That makes it sound like a horror movie about Judy Garland, LOL. It's been in production since October and we're nowhere near finishing it.