Thursday, November 22, 2007

A Few Announcments...

Alrighty, well let's get right down to it, this is kind of a random announcements posting, but still it's nice to have some new life on our blog so here it goes...

1. The I! blog will be conducting an official April and May of 2006 Big 8 that Johnny has approved of. We hope that we will have enough votes and verification for this event to be successful. More details will be released in the coming days.

2. Our first topic in the 7 Best Series will be the 7 Best Best Pictures of the contests history. This should also arrive in the next couple of days.

3. There are a few other things roaming around in our minds and if there are any other developments in the previous 2 we will let you know.

4. Oh, and before I forget, I rarely write about anything other than the contest on the blog, but this is a rare occasion where I will. If you haven't already you MUST go see Enchanted. It is one of the best films of the year and is very charming, I personally enjoyed it because there were a lot of little Disney inside jokes that you'll get if you are a huge fan of Disney's classic animation, so I urge everyone to go out and see it, because it and Hairspray are my two favorite movies of the year. (James Marsden has had a good year!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We already did a Big 8 for April and May of 2006. Why do another?