Sunday, October 21, 2007

I's 100 Post, 100 Baits #20-11

Narrator: It’s almost here. We have counted 80 different baits on out list and we are finally on the second to last section of the ceremony. So get ready, because here’s I’s Top 100 #20-11. And here’s your host for tonight, Zgamer!

(Zgamer walks to center of stage)

Zgamer: Hello and welcome to this latest segment for I’s Top 100 Baits of All Time. Before I begin my little intro, I will make a little announcement. Since we are approaching the last spots on our list, we have decided to make the last segment big event. To start it off, we have allowed fellow author Harry to be a guest commentator for this segment. When this is over, we will allow any person who has won Bait of the Month to be a guest commentator on the segment. We’ve had several volunteers and we are excited. Now everyone else who hasn’t volunteered needs to do so. When you do, sign you name and e-mail on the thread “Attention BOTM winners” and we will send you a list of the Top 10 baits of all time (which will not be in their ranking) and have you send back your comments on them. Your comments must be personalized. We don’t want a mini-summary; we want your personal (and positive) opinion on the bait’s success and when you first read it. Ok I’m done.

(Starts walking)

Zgamer: I am honored to be hosting this for the last time before Michael does the final segment. I’m also excited because we now unveil some of the most acclaimed baits of all time onto our list.

(Walks to Hall of Baiting)

Zgamer: I’m very sure this is the last time we will go into the Hall of Baiting for now, since we will probably have a special spot for the top ten. But let’s start this celebration on a high note. Our first bait on this list. Written back in April of 2007, this little bait helped Pat keep his acclaim afloat before the release of Border Man a few months later. With a quirky idea and well picked cast and crew, this was a hidden gem and a surprise hit that month. So let us enter Scarttenow Junction.

Michael: I really enjoyed this bait. It really felt like a movie that would be released and had a Little Miss Sunshine feel to it, which I loved.

Narrator: Scarttenow Junction opened to great reviews, especially considering the fact many thought it was a weak month. Most of the praise went to the film’s quirky feel and top notch cast, as well as it’s welcome familiarity to previous Anderson hits like The Royal Tennebaums.

Harry It was a very touching road movie. I thought it was funny and it’s certainly one of the best baits of April.

Narrator: Scarttenow enjoyed a very good precursor run, with Festival wins for its screenplay and future best picture c/m to complement its three GG wins for picture, actor and screenplay. Scarttenow missed out on winning best picture, but it did make an impact for winning funniest bait and a #4 place in the month. This is one of Pat’s biggest hits.

Daniel: In my top 5 of all time, "Scartennow Junction" is one of the best comedies, and most original, in Bait an Oscar history. This is the ultimate Wes Anderson project and Pat does a brilliant job of illustrating that in his bait. One of the best baits ever.

Title Card: The #20 bait is…


Zgamer: This next bait was the one that helped start off 2007’s successful run. Written by Al in January of 2007, this is considered one of the last great ensemble driven baits of the contest. With a baity subject and an ideal cast and crew, this gave people hope that 2007 could beat 2006’s run. Let us now walk into the Sandstorm.

Harry: Sandstorm manages to omnisciently look at the War of Iraq with unique real stories. This is one of the most unique ensembles dramas in the contest so far. The press section is extremely well-written and describes the tone of the film very well.

Narrator: After a bit of hype, Sandstorm opened to the best reviews of January. While there were other great baits in the month, most readers were drawn into Sandstorm thanks to its subject, well picked cast and quality writing.

Daniel: It's one of the all time great ensemble pieces. All of the characters are original and all worthy of Oscar nominations. This would not only be a large Oscar contender if it were released but also a large Box Office success. It's a fantastic achievement.

Narrator: Sandstorm’s precursor run was a triumph, earning GG wins for best picture, director and a win for supporting actor Cillian Murphy. The Oscars were just as good to the bait, as it not only walked away with the coveted Best Picture and Best Director prize (a rare feat for any bait), but it also helped Al to a best author win. It will go down in history as one of the best ensemble baits of all time and a pinnacle for War in Iraq stories.

Michael: I have to say, when I first read it I was a bit uneasy about it, but after re-reading it, I fell in love with it. Soderburgh and Murphy are perfect choices.

Title Card: The #19 bait is…


Zgamer: Take a deep breath and let’s continue on with the next bait on our list. Now, this bait has been considered controversial for its win for BOTM back in May of 2007. In a competitive race against heavy hitters like Dominion and Rush, some felt it shouldn’t have beat Tony for his first win. However, I’m sure most everyone can agree that this was a very well written and baity character piece. Along with its unique idea and quality writing, it also sported one of the most unique and balanced casts I’ve seen. This is Rivalry at 6 P.M.

Harry: “This was Patrick D’s breakthrough bait and an unexpected bait of the month winner. It’s one of the best of May”

Narrator: Rivalry at 6 P.M, opened to mostly favorable reviews back in May. Though it did have strong competition from Dominion supporters, it also had a lot of people backing it up, most notably BOTM winners. Most people praised its strong cast and crew.

Michael: My favorite bait in May. I love everything about it and I think it will go down in history as one of the greatest baits.

Narrator: Rivalry was one of the first baits to ever have a huge boost in buzz thanks to the newly organized Festival, earning many of its top prizes. It also won supporting star Ethan Hawke awards at the SAG and GG and won awards for Winstone in the GG and the ensemble for SAG. In the end, it’s biggest win was at the Oscars, as it won BOTM, best plot and best original screenplay. A great breakthrough for Patrick.

Daniel: The casting in this bait is near flawless. The bait is quite suspenseful. It's a great bait.

Title Card: The #18 bait is…


Zgamer: Next up is one of the veteran baits by veteran authors. Written back in September of 2006, this was one of the first successful team baits, written by Brett and Dpac. With a compelling story and foreboding atmosphere, this is one of those classic baits that can live past any flaws of age. We now walk down Cielo Drive.

Daniel: This is one of the best ensembles ever in a bait. I remember when this came out I admired it for that same reason. It's a great bait and the casting is pitch perfect.

Narrator: Cielo Drive opened to some of the best reviews of the month. However, the bait had a lot of competition from films like The Breadwinner and Ironic Nonfiction. It rose above them in most fields though, as it was consistently praised for its story and beloved cast.

Harry: “The atmosphere is the best trick of this bait. You never expect what will happen next. This is one of my favorites, if not my favorite team bait of all time. The press section is pure genius and the director choice is simply perfect.”

Narrator: Cielo Drive had a modest precursor run, tying Little Miss Murder for the SAG Ensemble award. Unfortunately, this didn’t improve its Oscar chances. It only walked away with a best crew win, though it did also place #3 for the month. However, the bait lived on through word of mouth and popularity. A great example of both atmospheric writing and team bait success.

Michael: The opening line of the synopsis for me, puts me in the mood for this classic team bait. Simply put, it's really great.

Title Card: The #17 bait is…


Zgamer: Foreign film. Where would the Oscars be without them? Well, only a bit less popular than it is now, given they don’t award many. However, one foreign film caught the eyes of many when it was released in March of 2007. Written by Brett, this was his comeback bait after many months of hiatus. With a great cast and crew, a great plot and a compelling story, this was an ideal foreign film vehicle. Now repeat after me: the window=”La Ventana”.

Harry: With one of the greatest and most powerful stories of all time, La Ventana excellently explored psychological and philosophical content in a very unique way. The atmosphere introduction in the synopsis is one of the most inspiring factors in the contest today. I’m enraged because this bait should be a lot higher in the list.

Narrator: La Ventana opened to a plethora of raves when it released. In a month where many veterans were flaunting their stuff, Brett was able to garner good word of mouth with his unconventional comeback. People consistently raved over its great lead actors and well written story.

Daniel: I really like "La Ventana" for a number of reasons. I think that a "Rear Window" update in a different country is a very bold idea that has to be nailed perfectly in order for it to work...and it is nailed perfectly. The casting and the crew are right on in this bait making it one of the best baits ever written.

Narrator: Surprisingly, La Ventana had no real precursor support on its way to success, with its nominations beaten by more popular choices like Wicked and Imagine. However, it came out strong at the Oscars, winning BOTM and the coveted best plot/synopsis. One of the greatest foreign films ever made for the site.

Michael: The best foreign bait ever. The story is well crafted and I can see myself enjoying it a ton. Pure Oscar Bait.

Title Card: The #16 bait is…


Zgamer: Age usually kills many of the great baits of old. Whether its because of changed views on casting or writing style, some baits just can’t survive by our revised standards. This one is a great exception. Written by Brian of Arizona back in October of 2006, this bait remains one of the most original stories ever done and one of, if not the, best baits Brian has written. This is iLife.

Michael: One of the best ensemble baits ever. The casting is great, the story is great, everything about it is fantastic. One of my favorites of the month.

Narrator: What more can be said. iLife opened to stellar reviews across the board and was the pinnacle of Brian’s biggest run of successes. Most everyone loved its quirky and original story, along with its inspired casting and director choice.

Harry: While the execution needed to be more concise, this is another extremely original idea. Brian wanted to make a parody of technology and he ended up writing one of the most original baits of all time next to “Bootleg”, “Quiet Room” and “Mail Order-Bliss”.

Narrator: iLife started a little weak at the precursors, only snagging a screenplay win at the GG’s. However, it got a lot more love at the Oscars. Along with a #2 rank for the month, iLife won awards for most original bait and best original screenplay, a rare feat for many films. Still one of the most original stories on the site after a year since its release.

Daniel: "iLife" is one of the most original, best casted, best written, and one of the funniest baits ever to be written. With a brilliant director choice of Terry Gilliam, Brian (AZ) creates the perfect atmosphere. The bait is a classic and rightfully so.

Title Card: The #15 bait is…


Zgamer: Many had doubts that the contest could keep itself afloat after so many successful hits in the early months of 2007. However, when April rolled around, a little bait from Maia began a rise in power. With an original and very baity concept, an ideal cast and crew and likable characters, this emerged as 2007’s semi-equivalent to iLife. This is Bootleg.

Harry: “While I’m not a fan of the execution, I simply don’t understand where Maia got that idea. This is one of the most original, unique and creative ideas I have seen in the contest so far. The characters are also well-developed and unique. Drea de Matteo as a journalist is one of the best supporting roles in the contest too”

Narrator: Bootleg opened to good reviews when it released in April. While it was sometimes overshadowed by other baits like River City Blue, The Vampire Lestat and Faded Red, Bootleg garnered a huge fan base thanks to Maia’s promotional posters, good word of mouth and the bait’s great writing and cast.

Daniel: "Bootleg" is my second favorite bait of all time, second only to "The World's Longest Suicide". The bait has fantastic mix of comedy and drama and that mix works unbelievably well. The characters are fantastic and the casting for these characters is just as great. This is Maia's best bait to date and the best of 2007 so far.

Narrator: Bootleg struggled in its precursor run due to genre confusion, incorrectly being placed as a drama in the GG’s and barely winning an ensemble prize at the SAG’s. Then the Oscars came and changed its luck. Along with the BOTM prize, Bootleg also walked away with wins for most original bait, best cast and best original screenplay. One of Maia’s best just for being so true on its subject matter.

Michael: When I first read this bait I was worried that people wouldn't warm up to it, but I still loved it. However, everyone adored it and may I say Aaron Eckhart is perfectly choosen and my favorite Actor candidate of the month.

Title Card: The #14 bait is…


Zgamer: Do you love stories so complex and intriguing that you’ll be scratching your head as well as applauding its greatness? Well this next bait is mostly like that. Written back in April of 2007, Ross scored big with this compelling, well casted and well written thriller. We now look into the streets of River City Blue.

Michael: Gaghan is a great choice as well as Clooney. The story is very well crafted and it's complete Oscar bait.

Narrator: River City Blue opened to great reviews upon its release. Most everyone enjoyed its plot and stellar cast highlighted by star George Clooney.

Daniel: One of the best baits ever written. When it was released, I liked it but I've reread it several times since then and it has elevated, to me, as one of the best ever written. The casting is fantastic and the director choice is inspired. It is also written extremely well which is one of the bait's strengths.

Narrator: River City Blue enjoyed a good precursor run, winning best picture at the GG’s and also earning supporting star Forrest Whitaker a GG and SAG win. Oscar time was just as fortunate for the bait. Placing #2 for the month, River City Blue also earned awards for director Stephen Gaghan and another win for Whitaker, which marked probably the only time all four Oscar winning actors pulled a trifecta (Geoffrey Rush, Patti LuPone and Rachael Weitz all won the Oscar, GG and SAG for their baits). Ross’s best bait to date.

Harry: The tension of the story and the atmosphere are its unique factors. I also adored the director choice and the casting and crew choices. This is one of the smartest baits of the contest.

Title Card: The #13 bait is…


Zgamer: Alex S. has been on the site for a while now. However, he wasn’t recognized as much until this bait came out in July of 2007. With its baity story and strong supporting cast, Alex was able to live past the fact he had no press section in the bait. This is The Banality of Evil.

Daniel: Gary Oldman's character in this bait is one of the all time Best Supporting Actors. I admire this bait for the dynamite story and also how it is written.

Narrator: The Banality of Evil opened to good reviews considering it was in one of the most competitive months of all time. Though some bickered over its lack of press section, most praised its unique idea and great supporting cast, particularly Gary Oldman.

Harry: This is one of the most complex human studies that I have ever read. The premise is also extremely baity and the press section is groundbreaking. Alex S. is definitely one of the biggest rises in the contest and this was his breakthrough bait and one of my favorites of all time as well.

Narrator: Banality’s precursor run was not so hot, only winning an SAG for supporting actor Gary Oldman. However, the Oscars were much friendlier to the film. Along with a surprise #2 rank for the month, Banality won for its online campaign, adapted screenplay and another award for Oldman. It will go down as the bait that skyrocketed Alex S.’s career and for just being so darn baity.

Michael: This is definately one of my favorite baits of 2007. Hayden was a risky choice, but it totally worked for me and I fell in LOVE with this bait.

Title Card: The #12 bait is…


Zgamer: We are down to the last bait of this section. Be ready, because our next section will reveal the Top 10 baits of all time as voted by the public. So now we unveil our #11 bait of all time. Written by Daniel back in October of 2006, Daniel reached the pinnacle of his biopic stride with one of the most unique and best written biopics of all time. With a compelling topic, spot on director choice and strong lead, Daniel pumped out yet another Oscar hit. You saw it coming two lines ago, because it’s that Salvador Dali biopic we all love: Dali.

Michael: Can I say, best director choice of 2006. Ugg, I'm so jealous. Definatley one of my favorite biopics ever.

Narrator: Dali opened to raves when it released. Everyone praised its inspired director choice along with its great cast and baity subject matter.

Harry: Despite some typos, I really liked the way Daniel mixed the life of one of the best painters of all time with a surrealist style. The descriptions of Tim Burton’s directing are unique and I loved the surrealism of the bait. This is one of the first best biopics in the site.

Narrator: Dali’s precursor run was a little weak due to the fact all the attention was focused on director Tim Burton, who won the GG. Come Oscar time, it was kind of the same story. Along with the expected director win, Dali also placed #5 for the month. However, it will go down in history for having one of the best director picks for a bait ever.

Daniel: "Dali" was a lot of fun for me to make. I had wanted to tackle Salvador Dali for a while so I put a lot of work into this. I think Tim Burton is the only director who could pull this off and I've very proud of this bait for the director, casting, and also the dream sequences that I mentioned.

Title Card: The #11 bait is…


Zgamer: That’s our show for tonight. Remember, if you want to be a part of the commenting for the next section, post it on the “Attention BOTM Winners” thread. This is also my last time hosting the ceremony, so I wish Michael the best of luck when writing the last section. Congrats to everyone so far and I look forward to seeing everyone at the next section.

Recap Time

#20 Scarttenow Junction
#19 Sandstorm
#18 Rivalry At 6 P.M.
#17 Cielo Drive
#16 La Ventana
#15 iLife
#14 Bootleg
#13 River City Blue
#12 The Banality of Evil
#11 Dali

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I!'s 100 Posts, 100 Baits: The List 30-21

Michael: Good evening and welcome to our 8th installment of I’s 100 Posts, 100 baits. As we near our 100th post on the blog, we get closer to finding out what bait will snag the #1 spot in our countdown. But, before we can get there we have to find out all of the other places in our countdown so lets get right to it! A year ago, Alex released a bait that would go on to win BOTM and earn him the respect to become one of the greatest authors of all-time. Fosse featured an all-star cast and a baity subject quickly making it a big winner in the eyes of the baiting community.

Daniel: "Fosse" is the best cast for a biopic that has ever been assembled. I remember when Alex was running the cast through me before he submitted it and I remember thinking to myself, "This is probably the best cast I've ever heard." Everything about this bait is admirable from its aforementioned cast to its perfect crew and writing style.

Narrator: Featuring such cast members as Toni Collette, Woody Harrelson, and Catherine Zeta-Jones, Fosse was received very well by the critics. It would end up receiving 3 SAG nominations, winning 2of them, it also picked up 2 Golden Globes, out of 4 nominations. Come Oscar time it garnered 6 nominations and won 2 of them, Best Picture and Best Actor for Woody Harrelson’s portrayal of Bob Fosse.

Zgamer: It’s been a while and some things didn’t age so well, but Fosse is still a fun and lively biopic on one of the most unique individuals of all Broadway. The casting of Harrelson and Collette are still great and the bait would probably succeed very well as a film.

Title Card: Coming in at 30th place…

Title Card: Alex’s Fosse

Michael: As we begin in the 20’s we have one of the first comedies to be come a hit in the contest. Released in July of 2006, Sex in the Oval Office quickly became the bait that everyone thought would be a fantastic indie film.

Narrator: Although there were no precursors in the beginnings of the contest, it didn’t stop Sex in the Oval Office from gaining serious buzz. Premiering to great reviews, it was quickly loved by many authors. It received a small 4 Oscar nominations, and only 1 Big 8 nomination, it went on to win the Funniest bait award.

Zgamer: Hilarious, raunchy, quirky and fun. Everything you need for a winning comedy. I remember reading this back when it was released and while it took me a while to warm up to it, I eventually saw what was so funny.

Daniel: This is, without a doubt, one of the best baits ever to be sent into the contest...and also probably the funniest. When I first saw this title back in 2006, I scoffed and thought that it would be a bad Bill Clinton biopic. I read it, reluctantly, and instantly fell in love with it. I still read it frequently and I think that all of the casting is done unbelievably well.

Title Card: And 29th place goes to…

Title Card: Brett’s Sex in the Oval Office

Michael: We come from a successful July 2006 bait to a very successful August 2006. Written by BOTM winner Brian, Fresh Heir Vol. III ended the most successful trilogy that the contest has ever seen.

Zgamer: A great conclusion to the Oscar Igloo’s equivalent to LOTR. I remember eagerly anticipating its release back in August 06 and I still haven’t forgotten it. The bait was just so much fun.

Narrator: Fresh Heir Vol. III was by far the most successful installment of the unforgettable trilogy. Even though it didn’t receive any Golden Globe nominations, it didn’t stop it from gaining 5 Oscar nominations including Best Picture. It would end up stealing the Best Actress award in one of the most competitive races ever featuring Dakota Fanning, Jena Malone, Parker Posey, and Naomi Watts.

Daniel: "Volume III" is surely the best in the "Fresh Heir" series. Natalie Portman won a surprise...but completely well deserved and obvious...Best Actress win. This brought the series to a fantastic and majestic conclusion. This is how a trilogy should be done, guys. Take notes.

Title Card: Winding up in 28th place…

Title Card: Brian (AZ)’s Fresh Heir Volume III

Michael: July 2007 was easily the most anticipated month ever in the contest and one of the most competitive months ever. So it was a surprise when the low anticipated James Somerton bait, Dear Mr. President became one of the biggest contenders for Best Picture.

Daniel: This is one of the best written plots that the contest has seen in a while. The casting of Susan Sarandon is completely golden.

Narrator: Dear, Mr. President was the sleeper hit of July 2007. Starring Susan Sarandon and written in the form of a letter James was able to convey emotion and compassion in very little words. The bait received 4 Golden Globe nominations, 1 SAG nomination and won Best Actress for Susan Sarandon at both. It would go on to receive 4 Oscar nominations including a Shameless Oscar Vehicle.

Zgamer: James kind of surprised me with this one. I didn’t expect much from it at first, but this was actually a great bait. I can totally see Stone and Sarandon working on this film.

Title Card: Nabbing 27th place…

Title Card: James Somerton’s Dear, Mr. President

Michael: Westerns have never been an easily accomplished genre in the Bait an Oscar contest, but some how D.W. was able to create a bait that we all fell in love with. Starring Billy Bob Thornton and Directed by Robert Redford, Recoil was able to shine brightly in February of 2007.

Narrator: Set in 1860 in San Jose, California Recoil told the story of Buck Redding in early California. It received rave reviews and quickly became the bait that all the forums were cheering for. It would go on to win an Oscar for its award campaign, but unfortunately it wouldn’t win any other major precursors.

Zgamer: One of my biggest competitors back in February, it still remains one of my favorite baits of all time. I cannot think of a better person to star in the lead than Billy Bob Thornton and the story was very intriguing on its own.

Daniel: While writing "Bandito Express", I must admit that this bait was not only one of my main inspirations but also what I was trying to better (to challenge myself while writing). While probably the most praised aspect of the bait, "Recoil"'s awards campaign is just as good as the synopsis...which is saying a lot. I admire this bait for so many reasons because it truly delivered the perfect Western.

Title Card: Coming in at 26th place…

Title Card: D.W.’s Recoil

Michael: When June 2007 rolled around and lot of authors were losing faith in the contest some claiming that the stories were getting boring and the excitement that we once had was dying out. However Sergio made a statement with a bait that put the hope back in ours hearts.

Daniel: I love this bait. The story is so fresh and the synopsis is written fantastically. Sergio's masterpiece really hit the right chord with me. It's one of the best baits of all time and very deserving of the place of 25th.

Narrator: Lucky Clover starred Emma Thompson and Jaime Bell and opened to rave reviews, most notably from Pat. In what most considered to be a weak month, this bait gained much praise and was nominated for 5 Golden Globes and would go on to be nominated for 9 Oscars and won 4, but won no Golden Globes.

Zgamer: In a weak month, this bait really shone. With a unique story, a great cast and a wonderful poster, Sergio finally convinced me that he could do more than pretty art.

Title Card: Breaking the Top 25…

Title Card: Sergio’s Lucky Clover

Michael: Back in the beginning of the contest, a biopic of Christopher Reeve was released and even though it was in April and there isn’t much in the forums to base reviews off of, we can be sure that audiences loved the heartwarming story.

Zgamer: Probably my favorite oldie bait of all time. I like this so much not only because the casting is impeccable or the directing choice perfect, but because it hasn't lost as much with age as some of the others. A great tribute to a missed couple.

Narrator: Although there aren’t many reviews to talk about, we can infer that everyone loved it because of it’s success at the Oscars. Receiving 4 nominations it received more than any other bait and went on to win 2nd place, right behind the infamous Carter.

Daniel: I've always thought about how this bait is six sentences long and how it still delivers the powerful punch that it does. I love this bait. The casting is spot on; Brendan Fraser and Maria Bello are Oscar gold.

Title Card: Coming in 24th…

Title Card: Matthew’s Once a Hero

Michael: As we get closer to our Top 20 we have 3 more baits to talk about. This one comes from July of 2007 and Pat finally made his “comeback” as most people called it with the release of Border Man.

Daniel: This bait is a wonder. Written in one strong and concise paragraph, "Border Man" is an extremely powerful bait. From the casting...the crew...the way it is's fantastic.

Zgamer: Pat finally came out of his funk and wrote a great story with this. I remember reading this and thinking Did Pat write this? Well then, it’s definitely one of my favorite bait’s of the month?

Narrator: Telling the story of border patrol officer told to weed out illegals, the bait struck a cord with the forums. It was a huge success from the beginning nominated for 7 Igloo awards, 5 Golden Globes, and 3 SAG’s, it won a combined 2 out of the nominations. The widely acclaimed bait went on to be nominated for 8 Oscars and would win 1 for Best Supporting Actress, it would also claim 3rd place in the highly competitive month.

Title Card: The 23rd best bait is…

Title Card: Pat’s Border Man

Michael: As 2006 came to a close, many baits came out that changed the contest forever. Christopher Plummer starred as Ralph Morgan in groundbreaking bait written by Alex.

Daniel: Now this is a bait. If this were actually made into a film, it would sweep the Academy Awards. Repeat, this WOULD, not might, WOULD sweep the Academy Awards. It is one of the best written and best cast baits of all time (which isn't a surprise considering who the author is). To be honest, I'm disappointed in the place this bait has deserves to be in at least the Top Ten.

Narrator: Ralph’s Food and Drug was immediately embraced by the baiting community. It received an astounding 7 Golden Globe nominations and won 3 including Best Picture Drama. As the buzz grew even more it scored an amazing 11 Oscar nominations. It would go on to win only 1, for Rod Lurie’s directing.

Zgamer: This bait was a little under the radar at first, but I really liked it. While I obviously liked World’s Longest Suicide more, this was my definite second favorite just because it had a unique story and a very good cast.

Title Card: Achieving 22nd place in our countdown…

Title Card: Alex’s Ralph’s Food and Drug

Michael: As we wind down this section we close it with a bait I consider to be one of my favorites, and it really struck a cord with me when I read it and I know it did the same with many other readers.

Zgamer: I didn’t like Harry’s writing very much before he came out with this. Once he did release it though, I began to see the talent he had not been using. Took me a while to warm up to, but once I finally read it a second time I fell in love with it. It’s just so draining that I couldn’t stop re-reading certain lines over and over again.

Narrator: Starring mainly unknowns, Destiny became Harry’s biggest hit. Scoring fantastic reviews and 3 Golden Globe nominations, it would go on to obtain 3 Oscar nominations as well and would win the coveted Best Plot/Synopsis. Even though it didn’t get a ton of attention back in January, it would go on to be loved by the entire community.

Daniel: This remains to be Harry's greatest work. It cannot be denied, even by Harry himself, that there are numerous baits in his catalog that don't deliver at all. This bait more than makes up for it as it is the most emotional bait this contest has ever seen. Harry wrote one of the best baits of all time. I am still furious that this did not win Bait of the Month and like "Ralph's Food and Drug", this deserves a higher place.

Title Card: Coming in 21st place...

Title Card: Harry's Destiny

Michael: Well, that ends this segment of I’s Top 100 and for all of you who skipped the ceremony, here is the list…

21. Destiny
22. Ralph’s Food and Drug
23. Border Man
24. Once a Hero
25. Lucky Clover
26. Recoil
27. Dear, Mr. President
28. Fresh Heir Vol. III
29. Sex in the Oval Office
30. Fosse

Saturday, October 13, 2007

I's 100 Posts, 100 Baits #40-31

Narrator: Foaming at the mouth with anticipation? Ready to stone those in charge of the ceremony? Well, it’s now time for the next section of I’s 100 Posts, 100 Baits Ceremony. Here’s your host for the night, Zgamer!

(Zgamer walks up to the screen in a nice suit as he adjusts his tie)

Zgamer: Hello fellow baiters and readers. Due to massive quantities of homework, Michael is not able to do this section. While he has promised to do the next one due to free time next week, I wish to comfort the readers by informing them I will keep myself on standby in case he cannot pull through. Also, I’m getting ready for my Homecoming date tonight, so that is for my rather fancy apparel. However, I still have time for my fellow cinema fanatics and aspiring Hollywood writers.

(Walks into the Hall of Baiting)

Zgamer: We’ve seen a lot of baits through the course of the ceremony. From political dramas to adaptations of Broadway hits to box-office juggernauts, the list has been diverse and extremely prestigious. However…(indicates a row of blank spaces)… more is needed. So we now bring you the next ten spots on our list. We start with another bait written by the incomparable Tony. Back in March of 2007, Tony released a peculiar but widely acclaimed bait that would continue to cement his gradually increasing praise. With a unique plot, great casting and an inspired director pick, this was one of the first great Arronofsky films. So be prepared to experience the Flashes.

Michael: Almost everything about this bait is perfect, but not something I would ever want to see in theaters.

Narrator: Flashes opened to a mostly positive acclaim. While some criticized its grammar and strangeness, most everyone found something good about the bait. The most frequent praise was for its originality, director and for lead character Edward Norton.

Daniel: This is one of the most original stories that the contest has ever seen. I really don't know what else to say except that this bait is unbelievably imaginative and one of the best in the contest.

Narrator: Flashes enjoyed a good amount of precursor praise, with many nominations and a GG win for Norton. Oscar time proved less favorable. Despite strong nominations, Flashes walked away with only a #8 ranking. However, its influence and popularity is still strong to this day.

Title Card: The #40 bait is…


Zgamer: This next bait is considered one of the most controversial baits of all time. However, it’s not for its subject matter. It’s for its lack of baityness. When James Somerton released this bait back April of 2007, he faced some hellfire from some of the more Oscar-focused authors. However, a small fanbase supporting the bait soon propelled it to acclaim all around. With its great cast, unique plot structure and overall quality, this is considered one of the best un-baity baits of all time and pretty much coined un-baity in our vocabulary. This is The Vampire Lestat.

Michael: This is definitely among the best of James Somerton baits. It proved that you don't have to be baity to be good.

Narrator: The Vampire Lestat opened to great acclaim. While some held a grudge against it for its non-Oscar friendly subject, most praised it as the adapted bait frontrunner of the month. Most comments went to its synopsis and lead star Jonathan Rhys Meyers.

Daniel: "The Vampire Lestat" is the best example, ever, of a bait with almost no baity qualities becoming a hit with awards. Written perfectly and with a very solid cast and crew, "The Vampire Lestat" is the best first person synopsis ever.

Narrator: The debates on baity vs. unbaity hurt Lestat’s precursor run, with no nominations in any of the three precursors. However, the Oscars surprised everyone when Lestat’s name appeared on many nomination categories, including an unexpected best picture nod. Then it really surprised people by winning best plot/synopsis, most likely to become a cult film, best adapted screenplay and placing #5 in the month. A great example that quality can triumph over sucking up.

Title Card: The #39 bait is…


Zgamer: Comedy is usually not a field the Oscars like to reward. However, this bait managed to pull off enough acclaim and praise for its quality, its unique story, crew and great lead casting. Released back in October of 2007 by Al, this remains one of his most popular baits. Just goes to show that bashing this bait is No Way To Treat A First Lady.

Michael: One of my favorite comedic baits of all-time and I think this is one of the few baits that would still do well in the contest today.

Narrator: No Way To Treat A First Lady opened to a decent amount of acclaim. While unfortunately overshadowed by big hits like iLife, The Bang-Bang Club and Live From New York, this bait slowly but steadily built a strong fan base thanks to its unique plot, inspired director choice and superb casting of Kevin Spacey and Meryl Streep.

Daniel: Choosing Alexander Payne to direct this was a fantastic move. Meryl Streep is near perfect casting and Kevin Spacey is great as well. I would like to believe that this film will one day be made and when it is it should be cast and crewed exactly as Al did. This is one of the funniest baits in the contest.

Narrator: No Way To Treat A First Lady enjoyed a great precursor run, with wins at the GG for best picture and best actress in a comedy. At the Oscars, it only won a #11 rank in the month, but it did manage to garner a great fan base that holds the bait high to this day.

Title Card: The #38 bait is…


Zgamer: Pat is one of the contest’s most respected baiters. He has been with us since the first month and always surprises us with a new bait that is baity and quality filled. So when it was time to crown him with a best picture win, it was for one that was well deserved. This bait, packed with a great plot, crew and cast, remains one of his best. This is Photograph.

Michael: I really liked some of the things about this bait, but I can't say it's one of my favorites. Still, it was very deserving for Pat to win Best Picture for the bait.

Narrator: Photograph opened to much praise despite being in one of the most competitive months ever seen in the contest’s history. While some were tired of seeing Paul Haggis in yet another bait, they praised Photograph for doing a Haggis story the right way. Most of the other comments went to the unique story and the all star cast.

Daniel: For all of those baiters who strive to write the perfect ensemble bait, "Photograph" is required reading. It is, to this day, the best Paul Haggis bait ever and the most likely story that Haggis would write. I loved all of the casting when it was released and I am even fonder of it now. It's one of the best ensemble baits ever.

Narrator: Photohgraph was the first winner of the newly established GG’s best picture drama. Come Oscar time, it surprised everyone by sweeping many major awards. Along with its BOTM win, Photograph scored awards for best plot/synopsis, best original screenplay and an award for lead actor Phillip S. Hoffman. One of the best ensemble baits on the site.

Title Card: The #37 bait is…


Zgamer: This next bait was one of Brian’s biggest baity hits he’s written. Released back in April of 2007, he took biopics to a new level with his look at the life of dictator Joseph Stalin. With an amazing cast and unique take on the topic, this was a truly great bait. So let’s experience Faded Red.

Michael: I absolutely adore this bait, it is fantastic on every level and it's a shame it didn't win Best Picture back in April.

Narrator: Faded Red opened to a good amount of praise in April. In a very competitive month, it managed to make a name for itself for being one of the few actually baity stories. Most praised its quality writing and great casting of major players Geoffrey Rush, Rachel Weitz and Gary Sinise.

Daniel: When I first heard about Geoffrey Rush being cast as Stalin, I was a little upset because I planned on baiting Rush to a Best Supporting Actor award as Jerry Garcia for my Grateful Dead bait. But once I read the bait, I read it before it was released, I didn't care anymore. The casting of this bait is what really impresses me. The Rachel Weisz description in the awards campaign is just excellent. It is the kind of part in a movie that would pull a Judi Dench and win for a very limited time on screen.

Narrator: Faded Red scored precursor wins across the board, with wins in all three precursors for stars Rush and Weitz. The acclaim didn’t stop there, as the Oscars proved favorable for the bait. Along with the expected wins for Rush and Weitz, the bait also picked up a win for its awards campaign and placed #3 in the month. It also helped Brian pick up a best author prize. One of the best biopics of 2007.

Title Card: The #36 bait is…


Zgamer: Adapted stories have a way of being Oscar friendly hits and this next bait is a good example. Written by Gabby back in October of 2007, this bait won acclaim for its Oscar friendly topic, great lead and overall quality. While Gabby is sadly no longer allowed to bait for the contest, The Awakening remains a hit to this day.

Michael: I think this has to be one of the most overrated baits of all-time, but it's very baity.

Narrator: The Awakening opened to great acclaim. While it had many heavy hitters to butt heads with, the bait won praise for its topic and lead star Reese Withersppon.

Daniel: When I first read this bait, I wasn't really all that impressed. I reread it probably four months ago, just because I was curious, and I realized that I must have read the wrong bait the first time because this bait totally deserved all the acclaim it received.

Narrator: The Awakening pulled a double win at the precursors for Witherspoon. It then followed this by surprising folks with a best picture nod and many other nominations. Though it only placed #4 in the month with no other wins, its impact and the eventual ban of Gabby helped increase this bait’s popularity. Worth a read for its uniqueness and for being the last great bait of a talented writer.

Title Card: The #35 bait is…


Zgamer: We have four more baits to award tonight and I am excited to see all of them on the list. Let’s start with the bait most consider Tony’s greatest. Written back in May of 2007, this bait stood out among a generally consider “weak” month for the fact it baited Shyamalan accurately in a good movie. Aided by a unique story and ideal cast, this is one of his best indeed. So let’s enter Tony’s Dominion (the bait, not his blog).

Michael: This may not be one of my favorite baits, but it's pure Tony goodness.

Narrator: Dominion opened to raves across the board. While there was the infrequent naysayer, most praise its originality and just for the fact it did a Shyamalan story right for once.

Daniel: I loved "Dominion" mainly because of how appropriate it was for M. Night Shyamalan. Tony produced something fantastic in this bait. I can honestly say that this is one of the long baits that actually work, and I criticize heavily on baits that are too long and shouldn't be. The whole bait is perfect. This should have won Tony his long overdue Bait of the Month (and he also should have won for The Iniquity Beyond so this should have made him our first double winner).

Narrator: The bait, as with many popular movies, enjoyed much precursor praise, winning best picture and director at the GG’s and many nominations around. Oscar time proved to be very helpful for its cause. Though it lost a very competitive race against Rivalry At 6 P.M. for best picture, it still walked away with wins for most original bait, most original character and a #2 placing for the month. One of the most original stories on the site.

Title Card: The #34 bait is…


Zgamer: When people think about this September 2006 bait, many thoughts arise. Whether its admiration or mixed reactions, this was a bait that eventually proved to be a great vehicle to help Daniel’s career. Though controversial by some opinions for its winning streak, it still was a very well done and unique bait and one of the best Payne stories on the site. Plus, I enjoyed using it as part of my skit for one of the Oscar ceremonies. So enjoy the Ironic Nonfiction.

Michael: I loved this bait ever since it came out. It's a bit out there, but I still love it.

Narrator: Ironic Nonfiction opened to a good amount of acclaim. Though the month wasn’t as competitive as the previous two months, this bait made a name for itself with its quirky story, good director choice and unique but well-chosen cast.

Daniel: This went through many drafts before I actually submitted it. There were many different story lines such as Augustus becoming a contract killer for someone who was holding his parents hostage. I was very happy with the story I chose. Winning Bait of the Year for this bait, while always puzzling to me, was one of the proudest experiences of my life.

Narrator: The precursors were of course favorable to Ironic Nonfiction, as it won best picture and an award for lead Tim Robbins the GG’s. Oscar time, however, took quite a few by surprise. Along with winning the BOTM, it also won awards for its synopsis and a surprise win for supporting star David Bowie. Then Ironic Nonfiction pulled the rug from under our feet by being the first bait to be crowned Bait Of The Year. One of Daniel’s biggest successes yet.

Title Card: The #33 bait is…


Zgamer: A few more to go folks. Up next is a bait I am extremely proud of. When I started my career back in July of 2007, I had no idea what to expect when I submitted my first two baits into the contest. While Metal Gear Solid surprised everyone by proving video games could become good movies, I could not have expected people to enjoy this next bait bait as much as they did. I wrote this bait to express something I felt very deeply about and to help show where I stand on religion, and it was extremely encouraging to discover people admired that. This is A Faith of One.

Narrator: A Faith of One opened to a good amount of praise. While it wasn’t a super critical hit, there were many who praised its quality writing, unique idea and cast.

Daniel: This bait has done what many baits, as much as I have those baits, have not. This bait has stayed with me since the first time I read it. This should have won Bait of the Month in July of 2006. The casting is especially brilliant. I admire Zgamer so very much for this bait.

Michael: It's a great bait that I can see being praised by every critic and winning many Oscars.

Narrator: A Faith of One turned out to be a surprise hit as it unexpectedly garnered a best picture nod in the month. While it lost out on many of its nods, it managed to earn a win for supporting star Jake Gyllenhaal. A unique bait and Zgamer’s first hit.

Title Card: The #32 bait is…


Zgamer: We have now reached the last bait of this section. As said, Michael is planned to have the next section up soon, but I will still be here in case he needs help. Anyways, now is he time to announce the #31 bait on our list. Released back September of 2006, this bait proved to be one of Matt’s biggest successes. With an intriguing story and a great cast, Matt scored major points to help him write future successful baits. We now give you Little Miss Murder.

Michael: One of my favorite baits of all-time. Everything about it was perfect in my book. A bit dated and probably wouldn't do well in the contest today, but I still enjoy it as a classic bait.

Narrator: Little Miss Murder opened to a good amount of critical praise. While it had competition from frontrunners Cielo Drive, Ironic Nonfiction and Midnight Mass, this bait made a name for itself with its stellar casting of stars Elle Fanning and especially Cillian Murphy.

Daniel: To be completely honest, this bait never grabbed me all that much but the casting of Cillian Murphy is one that will be forever envious of.

Narrator: Little Miss Murder’s precursor success was mostly dependent on its cast, as it won many awards for star Murphy, Fanning and an eventual ensemble prize at the SAG’s. Then came Oscar time and one of the biggest snubs in the contest’s history. When the names were read off, Murphy and Fanning were nowhere to be found in the supporting field. This hurt the bait’s chances for many wins, but it did manage to earn #8 of the month and win an award for its casting choice of Murphy. One of those underrated baits that can really go places with the right fan base.

Title Card: The #31 bait is…


Zgamer: And so concludes this portion of the ceremony. From all of us at I’s, we wish you a good day and we hope to have more sections up faster. As I prepare to leave for my Homecoming date soon, here is a recap of this list.

#40- Flashes
#39- The Vampire Lestat
#38- No Way To Treat A First Lady
#37- Photograph
#36- Faded Red
#35- The Awakening
#34- Dominion
#33- Ironic Nonfiction
#32- A Faith of One
#31- Little Miss Murder

Thursday, October 4, 2007

I's 100 Posts, 100 Baits: The List #50-41

Top 100: 50-41

Narrator: We’ve past the halfway point. Before we begin with the next 50 baits, let us recap on the baits from the first part.

100. Tavistock Place
99. Watts
98. Green River
97. A Work of Fiction
96. All Alone
95. Wicked (July 2006)
94. Balton Productions
93. Listening
92. The Curious Case of Phineas Gage
91. Terri
#90 Marilyn
#89 Glitz
#88 Fred & Ethel
#87 Standardized Test
#86 Brain Damage
#85 The Justices
#84 The Wilder Side of Life
#83 Fresh Heir Vol. II
#82 The 27th Victim
#81 Gray Daze
80. Flowers for Algernon
79. Dear Andrea
78. Cigarette Burns
77. Pygmalion
76. Dinah Was…
75. Glass
74. Buster
73. The Road
72. Rehab!: A Contemporary Musical
71. Negatives
70. A Child of Shame
69. I Do Solemnly Swear
68. Fresh Heir Vol. I
67. E.L.
66. The Guy Who Owned the Store
65. Parvana’s Journey
64. Internet Connection
63. Between Elephants and Mice
62. The Iniquity Beyond
61. The It Girl
60. Sweet Black and Blue
59. Record Man
58. The Devil in the White City
57. Dragontown
56. Jersey Boys
55. Bruised Boys
54. The Rainbow Album
53. Steamboat Disney
52. Wicked (March ’07)
51. Wildflower

Now it’s time to continue as we reach our goal to the top voted baits of April 2006 to July 2007. And here’s your host to guide you through this segment, Zgamer.

Zgamer: (Walks up to the center of the stage) Hello again. Yes, we’ve passed the halfway bait and are now ready to unveil the next 50 baits on our list. And thankfully we have a great bait to start off this segment. Written back in August of 2006, this bait helped bring Daniel some of his biggest praise and success. With Steamboat Disney backing it up, it helped Daniel establish one of the site’s best biopics. So here’s his hit bait I, Bergman.

Narrator: I, Bergman opened to great reviews and reception, ranking on many Top 10 lists. Adding the success of this to Daniel’s Steamboat Disney, it helped push Daniel’s status as one of the site’s best authors. Most of the bait’s praise went to its lead Parker Posey and its great writing.

Daniel: Originally conceived as a sole Parker Posey vehicle, I was delighted when this received accolades and a Best Picture nomination. Natalie Portman's character is still one of my favorites that I've baited.

Narrator: I, Bergman got a great reception at the Oscars that month, scoring a good amount of nods and a BP nomination. Though it didn’t win for the month, it placed fourth in the month, won the best crew award and helped Daniel win best author of the month. Even to today, this is considered one of the best biopics one the site.

Title Card: The #50 bait is…


Zgamer: The next bait on our list came from the month of March 2007. It’s an inspiring biopic and one of Harry’s most acclaimed baits. It garnered him many nods and good reviews and now it has a good spot on the list. This is Imagine.

Narrator: Imagine opened to great reviews from almost everyone. From Top 10 lists to Best Picture predictions, Imagine was a bait everyone liked, which surprised many because Harry had only a few great baits to prove himself before.

Daniel: Harry did a great job with this biopic. John Lennon had been tackled before in baits, whether in a supporting role in "Intimate Portraits" or a lead role in "Broken Frames", so I know I was not sure of how this would do. Harry surprised me completely with this bait and it remains one of the best biopics ever to be written.

Narrator: Imagine had a strong precursor showing, winning several GG’s including one for best picture. It gained a lot of Oscar nods too, but unfortunately was beat out by many other baits including La Ventana, Sweet Black and Blue and Wicked. However, Harry did manage to earn an Oscar for his great poster and a #56 spot for the month. A great biopic.

Title Card: The #49 bait is…


Zgamer: Up next is the oldest winner for BOTM the contest has. Yep, this comes all the way back from April 2006, the birth month of the contest. Written by a one time author, this bait skyrocketed the contest and led the way for many to come. So let’s observe Carter at its finest.

Narrator: Though we have no records of comments for this month, Carter was generally received very well. Many still praise it today, even if its style is archaic.

Daniel: The first Bait of the Month winner. The casting is amazing even though it is a little bloated. Although it would not be considered as great by today's standards, this bait paved the way for many influential biopics and ensemble pieces therefore making it one of the most influential baits in the contest's history.

Narrator: Carter proved very successful at Oscar time. Not only winning BOTM, it also won the now discontinued most Oscar-friendly character award. A true classic and one of Oscar Igloo’s most influential baits.

Title Card: The #48 bait is…


Zgamer: Now I am truly honored to have this bait be on the list. Written back in July of 2007, this bait was more of an experiment rather than a true bait. I wanted to try something unique with the synopsis and casting. I wanted to give a more artsy feel to a forgotten and misunderstood time period. And I just wanted to dive back into the realms of baity stories. Ironically, the idea for writing this came from when I watched “We Were Soldiers”. So here is The Valley of Ashes.

Narrator: The Valley of Ashes opened to a wildly mixed reception. While it had some very openly spoken critics, including blog posts dedicated to bashing it, others praised to its unique synopsis, compelling lead and interesting style.

Daniel: The synopsis is beautiful prose. This was a very controversial bait which definitely had a huge love it or hate it effect on the contest. I loved it.

Narrator: The Valley of Ashes had a surprising precursor run, nabbing the Festival and GG top prizes for best picture. When Oscar time came around, it followed a good amount of nods with what some consider one of the biggest acting snubs of the month. However, Valley still did well, earning #5 in the month and winning an award for director Roman Polanski.

Title Card: The #47 bait is…


Zgamer: Up next, a bait that headed a very popular trilogy. Written by Connor Campbell back in September of 2007, this bait helped solidify his status as one of the contest’s best under the radar authors. Here’s to The Breadwinner.

Narrator: The Breadwinner opened to a good reception by many. While some of its flaws were pointed out by many, most praised it for just being the top adapted bait of the month. Plus, its cast was liked by many.

Daniel: One of the biggest snubs in Best Actress history. Take notes baiters, this is how to do an adaptation. The first in a great trilogy, "The Breadwinner" is a huge achievement.

Narrator: The bait’s precursor run was mixed, garnering many nods but only a few wins for lead star Hughes. Come Oscar time, it played out mostly the same way. However, it did score wins for director Milos Foreman and its adapted screenplay, as well as push Connor to a best author win and earning #2 of the month. Worth a good look.

Title Card: The #46 bait is…


Zgamer: We now go back to July of 2006 to take a look at one of the contest’s earliest BOTM. Written by Tom Houseman, this was the second biopic to win the coveted prize. So let’s get started with The Great Fitzgerald.

Narrator: In a highly competitive month, this bait stood out with its fair amount of praise. Most consider it Houseman’s best bait. Though it had its criticisms for grammar and such, it still garnered plenty of attention to make it a hit.

Daniel: Tom Houseman's career was short and full of great baits but this was his best. Charlize Theron's role in this bait is one of the best cast Best Actress roles ever

Narrator: Come Oscar time, The Great Fitzgerald had a great showing. Not only did it snag many nods, but it also walked home with the coveted plot/synopsis, awards campaign and BOTM prizes. One of the contest’s most overlooked (and somewhat debatable) big winners.

Title Card: The #45 bait is…


Zgamer: Again, we go back to the early months of the competition to unearth this gem. Written by Brian (from Minneapolis), this adaptation to the acclaimed play knocked one out of the park (and somewhat set a path for similar styled bait Midnight Mass). This is Doubt.

Narrator: Our records don’t contain reviews this early into the competition, but we do know that the bait had a good though somewhat mixed reception when it came to reviews. While it did have many supporters, some didn’t feel that this justified a BOTM win. Still, most everyone praised its well picked cast, particularly star Frances McDormand.

Daniel: Without a doubt, this is is Bait an Oscar's most controversial Bait of the Month winner. I agree with the choice, it would make an excellent film. The casting is fantastic.

Narrator: Come Oscar time, Doubt had a small but powerful line up of nods. Along with its BOTM win, it also snagged an award for the now discontinued “Most Likely to be Nominated for An Oscar” award for star McDormand. Definitely worth a read.

Title Card: The #44 bait is…


Zgamer: It seems like it’s a big night to go back deep into the past for these baits. This next entry is also from the inaugural month of April 06. The first bait from acclaimed author D.W., this bait made splashes with its short but compelling plot and great writing. This is I Am A Patsy.

Narrator: Our records are not accurate for reviews, but most everyone agrees that this was one of the best baits of that month. Though it had to compete with heavyweights Carter and Once a Hero, I Am A Patsy helped solidify D.W. as one of the top authors on the site.

Daniel: It has since been deemed a "classic" and rightfully so since it had its debut. One of my all time favorite biopics.

Narrator: While I Am A Patsy missed out on most awards, it did snag the #3 spot and an award for its synopsis. As Daniel said, this was one of the best early biopics on the sit.

Title Card: The #43 bait is…


Zgamer: Finally, something not in the earliest months. This next bait was written by Tony back in November. Back then, Tony was still a struggling author trying to make a hit. Then he wrote this bait. So please join us as we induct Freakshow to the list.

Narrator: While many agreed it wasn’t a particularly baity story, almost everyone had great things to say about Freakshow. The most praised aspect was its cast. Not only was it considered to be well picked for its characters, but it just stunned many that a bait could include people like Wayne Brady and Hugh Laurie in the same bait.

Daniel: Great characters in this good ensemble bait.

Narrator: Freakshow enjoyed a good precursor run, gaining many nods and a win for its ensemble at the SAG. At the Oscars, it garnered many awards but failed to win best picture, since it had to compete against James Somerton’s phenomenal reign with The Wall and Silence. However, it didn’t leave empty handed, as it picked up a prize for its original screenplay and a #4 spot in the month. One of the best character ensembles on the site.

Title Card: The #42 bait is…


Zgamer: We’ve reached the final bait of the night. Now, before we close, I will say a few things. For one, Michael is said to be back and will be heading the next section of the countdown. And…well, we only had that to say. Ok, now we are going to cover the last bait of this section and its one of my personal favorites. After a great debut with River City Blue, Ross followed his success with this hit. A compelling story, a stellar cast and a great crew all head his last bait of his career (for now?). So here’s to Ross’s May 07 hit Rush.

Narrator: Thanks to the help of his previous success, Rush opened to a great reception. Although it competed with heavyweights Dominion and Rivalry at 6 P.M., Rush earned plenty of praise for its quality writing and really interesting plot. Stars Russell Crowe and Heath Ledger also received plenty of attention.

Daniel: Ross was a baiter whose career was all too brief although he may come back, who knows. "Rush" was a great achievement in every way.

Narrator: Rush enjoyed a fair but positive precursor run with its prestigious nods. At the Oscars, it pulled out two wins for its great cast and director Michael Mann, as well as a #3 spot for the month. A great bait from an author that is sorely missed.

Title Card: The #41 bait is…


Zgamer: So concludes this segment. Tune in soon for the next segment. And as this recap comes up, I say good night and I can’t wait to see the big winners.

#50 I, Bergman
#49 Imagine
#48 Carter
#47 The Valley of Ashes
#46 The Breadwinner
#45 The Great Fitzgerald
#44 Doubt
#43 I Am A Patsy
#42 Freakshow
#41 Rush