What is this month going to be like? Well, the speculation has already started, once it was announced that the contest selection was a tremedous 25 baits. As Bryce previously stated, the big contenders seem to be coming from baiters that haven't had much of the spotlight lately, and I'm here to say, that don't forget about our veterns, but there'll be a few newbies too...
The NewbiesJeffrey's "Revenant Dreams"- This little bait has been coming out on a lot of people's list and all we can do is wait for the festival nominations to see if it will pay off. There's one problem, will the quality be able to withstand authors that campaign their baits and are prominent on the forums?
Patrick D's "A Statistic"- This may be a stupid question, but is this the same Patrick from "Rivalry at 6 PM" fame? If so, I have no doubt that this will be absolute quality, but we'll have to wait to see what the hype is about.
George's "The Man and the Window"- Sounds interesting and comes from an up and coming author, I think this has great potential, but only time will tell. I have a feeling this may not need as strong a campaign as others, but will the buzz last?
AJ's "From Ritz to Rubble"- This bait is definately going to be all over the forums, but will it help it or hurt it? There's a balance that needs to be met involving quality, right amount of exposure, and buzz. One of the riskier baits of the month.
The SpoliersDouglas Reese's "Realm of the Bird"- Much like AJ's bait, it's really risky, but I think this will probably has a better balance of what I talked about with AJ's. If if can be strong and not keep people guessing, expect this one to pick up steam quick.
Zgamer/Bryce's "Rapture"- Could this be the next BOTM? Team baits are definately in, and Z has yet to be rewarded for his usually top-notch Video Game Adaptations. I think it has a lot going for it, but I have a feeling the people who feel that we should all be doing baity subjects may not vote for it.
Evan's "The Cloud Chamber"- Having read the bait in development, this could be as big, if not bigger than his past best "A Corner of the Universe". If the kinks are worked out and the balance that is needed is there, look for it to be a contender.
Ryan's "Fruit of the Poison Tree"- Like a lot of other baits this month, it's risky, and also having read it during it's development, it also had a few kinks to work out. If it can stay on the voters minds, and fufil's the potential it had, it has the poise to be a Best Picture winner.
A-ListersD.W.'s "Forlorn"- Similar to the past two, I have also read this, except it was the final draft. It has a lot of Edgar Allan Poe overtones (which I LOVED) and is really a bait to lookout for. Having his A-List status usually means that D.W. doesn't really need to campaign to have his bait remebered, but with a little extra push I have not doubt this can crack the top 5.
Tony's "Hillview"- Just looking at the posters and short synopsis for this bait, it has to be my most anticapted bait of the month. Knowing the campaigns the yet to win BOTM author usually brings out, I think this will the bait to beat for the month.
Extra Bonus: It features my best girl, Michelle Pheiffer)
Pat's "Cassidy Blake"- Pat is probably the biggest author in the contest, and this lastest bait, directed by Quentin (need I mention his last name), sounds like it could be a great, or absolute crap. Based on the buzz right now, it seems to be the latter. Nevertheless, expect this to be a solid bait, despite the buzz level.
James Somerton's "COBRA"- James only had modest success the past few months, but I'm going with the crowd who says this will put him back on top. However, it has to overcome the risky casting of Zac Efron in the lead role.
Here are my current predictions...
Others in Contentions:
Fruit of the Poison Tree
A Statistic
The Man and the Window
Contrary to what some are saying, I think this month will be a lot of bigger profile authors recieving much of the acclaim, but I think this month's crop of Newbies, is one of the best we've had in a while. Making this February, one of the most interesting to come...
Note: There are many more baits with buzz, but I didn't feel they fit the subject of the article.